Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sao Paulo Traffic

1.5 hours to go from centre town to the Airport, a commuting disaster, that makes Ottawa's 174 schlmozzel look like a walk in the park

Museum of Art - Sao Paulo

A visit to Sao Paulo

Ottawa at 1 million can't compete with this subway system in Sao Paulo, the problem is, it is inadequate for the mob scene at rush hour.

Leftovers from carnival

A really bit city

Enormous Mall - top end stores, this is the new Brazil

Cheryl standing with the steps to the food court in the background.

A trip to the mall... Campinus Style

Sao Paulo is a city of 26 million people, you'd expect some big malls, and here in the suburbs of Campinas, it doesn't disappoint. This "suburb" is about 3 million in population.